Eagle Technosys B2B Multi Language Marketplace Script comes with plugging for multiple languages like Arabic, French, Portuguese and Spanish, more languages can be added as per client requirements.
This means clients can easily create a b2b multi language marketplace platform that caters to vendors and buyers from different linguistic backgrounds.
With our B2B multi language marketplace script, you can customize the frontend customer landing page, product page interface and content of your marketplace in each of these languages, allowing users to access the platform in their preferred language. This can help you attract a more diverse range of users and expand your marketplace’s reach to international markets.
Additionally, our script includes features such as home page, product page and vendor store page language switching, vendors can also add products in multi language and multilingual support for product listings and communication between users. This ensures a seamless experience for all users, regardless of their language preferences.
By offering our b2b multi-language marketplace script, you can tap into new updated markets, improve user engagement, and create a more inclusive and user-friendly platform for vendors and buyers around the world.
We have two versions for this script. Checkout these links for more details.
Version 2: https://www.e-commercesoftwares.com/alibaba-clone-software
Version 1: https://www.alibabaclonescriptpro.com/